Build a real site for my company, that was on my todo list for a long time. And now it’s finally here! To celebrate this joyful event I’m also starting a weblog as of today.
I never had a weblog before, so I guess I have to find out what I want to write about.
Because this blog is part of the website for my company Million Pieces, most of my writings will be business-related. About the projects I’m working on, the tools I’m using, the programming languages I write my applications in, but also about running an internet business in the Netherlands.
A few other things I’m planning to write about are things I personally love, hate, am worried about, like beautiful code, privacy, copyright, mashups, etc. (You have to keep on reading this blog if you want to find out which of these I love, hate or am worried about ;-)).
Next few days I’ll write a bit more about my company and about this website (how it’s been created).